27 February 2012


Okay so the format of this fashion blog of mine will probably include extra content from now on i.e the bemused musings of the unemployed:thus contents of shop splurges shall be slashed/reduced as is my bank allowance from here on out.This fashion blog will go from part-time posts to full-time posts i.e your going to get pretty sick of prettyneons,because I sure shall be style stalking,style swooning and banging on about bargain fashion buys alot more.Alot,lot more...oh you lucky things you!Yep,I'll be kicking back banging out blog entries like back in 2007/08 (these years were my unemployed graduate heyday time-see list of posts to travel back and catch up...where were you at the first time round,huh?It-was-a-blast!Especially my mini melt down episode in which I adopt shades of Johny Cash black clothes and leather jackets only.And record my first fashion internship fuck-up.You really do have some catching up to do my prettyneons newbies).
Let the full time,hardcore fashion blogging (procrastination in disguise) commence!
Marni's new fashionable habitat is soon going to be H&M from the 8th March onwards (*brainstorm* I should have titled this post 'Marni March'...no?Ah heck I can't be asked to change it now),bad timing doesn't cut it,nor will any amounts of strong coffee be enough to drown my sorrows.I should be elated for this epic highstreet event.It was after all on my dream anticipated collaboration wish list (again newbies see 2009 blog posts-catch up,catch up!) no 3,underneath Basso&Brooke I do believe?Meh memory fails me.
Dreams,lists and memory failures aside.I cannot believe the poor timing of H&M.
It's such a sore stinger of a bitch slap.
Now,NOW Marni comes along and befriends one of my bestest highstreet stores.One burning question here.Where were you at Marni?You know during my marvelous days of employment and paydays?This is so mean and there's no where to hide and avoid the Marni mayhem,every blog,every magazine is hyping up H&M counting down the days...Like I need your numerical help!My Marni maths and number crunching has provided me with the answer of:10.No calculated required.Ten days until Marni graces those fashion rails and I self-combust with insane bouts of blogger envy,as the amount of Marni outfit posts by fellow fashion bloggers will be inevitable.So here's my comment for such girls now.Get out of my face.I dislike you,all of you.How dare you relish in all the Marni fun without me.Well enjoy yourselves.Hope that Marni print top (see below) fails to meet your standards and you have to request a refund,serves you right too for being so damn smug.Obtaining a piece of magical Marni happiness and then not including little bitter me.Only ha,what is this?I have obtained a piece of my very own Marni,by cheating.The images courtesy of H&M.How very kind and generous of them to allow me some sort of access to Marni,I'm printing all of the following off,cutting them out and glue gunning them to myself.Should make for an interesting outfit,paper cuts as accessories...my Marni paper ensemble may have the potential to grace Grazia?

images courtesy of H&M

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