Not that she had anything to worry about.As much as I like the idea of having a tattoo it seems like such an impossible commitment.My favourite colour changes on a constant and daily basis,how on earth am I expected to dedicate myself to getting inked?
Anywho's now I've escaped the clutches of epic creative block I have posts coming out of my ears!Catching up on comments I noticed a list of questions from various readers (probably ex-readers this blog has been neglected for so long), if you are still reading here's the belated Q&A...
You've began outfit posts will this be a regular feature?
Yep there will be the odd outfit pic, but I don't want to document it day-in-day-out
*yawn* no one wants to read/see me in/wearing clothes everyday,besides I'm camera shy and awkward.
I was shocked to read you've never watched Gossip Girl, do you have any TV addictions?
Heck yes I sure do! True Blood,Being Human (I've dedicated whole Sunday's to BH boxsets),Mary Queen Of Shops and The IT Crowd other then that I opt for books most of the time.
What are you listening to right now?
What is your fave highstreet fashion shop?
Umm it varies and depends, this month I may be crushing on Zara next month I may snub Zara and convert to Peacocks.
Where do most of your wardrobe items come from?
Over half is vintage/thrift and dug out from charity shops and I combine these with bits and pieces from the highstreet.
You clearly adore fashion but if you could have a shot at any other career what would it be?
Well I caught the drama acting bug back at uni as most my mates were in the performing arts (my fellow fashion peers were highly strung and highly deluded...not everyone can become editor of Vogue-hence why I avoided them).I use to hang out at the drama block stealing my friends scripts: it was the only time I ever escaped my crippling shyness when I invaded the stage trying to act. Ah yes I missed many a fashion project deadline thanks to the D-bock.Despite one drama tutor almost convincing me to give acting a shot,change degree and go to auditions I always came crawling back to fashion and all it's elusive elements.Acting is tough my friend always use to be given the same sort of roles which I imagine must become old and frustrating.
Have you ever met any prettyneon readers before?
Yes and it freaked me out (no offence) I was at Brighton train station inserting coins into a vending machine having forgot all about posting an outfit post weeks before.When this stranger just begins chatting away to me being English and polite I didn't want to be rude and walk away.For ten minutes I was baffled, when suddenly the stylish stranger said,"I follow your blog"
...Oh that would explain things then.Surreal I just never expected that to ever happen you forget how small the world is don't you?
Flats or heels?
Flats are safe but heels are fierce.
Pet hate?
I'll tell you what gets on my last nerve a size 14 being classed as plus size, I saw this in Topshop,a shop full of young fashion hungry teenagers it's dangerous.Come on now.And we all wonder why so many very young girls and boys are sticking their fingers down their throats?Urgh don't even get me started, things could get ugly!
Three things you couldn't cope without.
Comedy,books and chewy Vimto bonbons
Your a big bookworm so what book are you loving at the moment?
Cryers Hill...must be made into a film!!!The book cover inspired today's outfit too!
You have a thing for granny bags but what is your most beloved vintage bag?
I am indeed partial to old and odd granny weaved basket/tapestry bags, but if I had to pick just the one it would be the red leather shoulder bag I picked up at The British Heart Foundation for £5 (as seen in photo above). It was made in England, that's reason enough to adore it: how often do you see bags and other accessories made in England now. Hardly ever- if ever at all?
What is your biggest fashion weakness?
Tights.Opaque,transparent,patterned,coloured,fishnets,lace it doesn't matter I'll take them all...and yes I do put them in the freezer to stop laddering.
Helllooo my lovely. How gorgeous is your outfit?! I think i might have those shoes that you're wearing. xx
YOU LIKE BEING HUMAN! You are even cooler than you were before! The vampire headquarters/funeral parlour is round the corner from my old school!
Welcome back x
Glad your back!
The brogues are great.
aw thanks girls
...redhead I frigging LOVE BH!!!lol
prettyneons x
This is a great post, thanks for writing it.
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