How I've missed my emails,blogs,gumtree and lastfm! I'm ecstatic to have my PC back, though shall be even more ecstatic when I get my paws on that elusive laptop!
Cannot believe it's the weekend, where the heck has this week gone? How time skips so fast when your sat in front of a dead computer screen sulking and screaming , "come on get it together your suppose to be intelligent no?So why can't you shake off that pesky virus you piece of good for nothing shit!"
Aaahh it's good to get it out the system every once in a while, the stress of all this techno drama encouraged an outbreak of spots on moi's chin. It's ridiculous how much us humans are forced to depend on computers isn't it?They're like a life support machine and when they refuse to play ball a huge void hangs over our heads...erm unless that's just me?
Since my hiatus I've mainly been working/designing/printing/sewing and stressing, in between all the above I've relaxed indulging in my beloved past time-thrifting!
My summer wardrobe is finally beginning to form, so far a large volume of my summer wardrobe comes from Peacocks Tesco's and BHF. I should imagine this is enough to make a fashion snob shudder,yep I can hear them now,'oh the girl should hang her head in shame'. I completed a fashion internship many moons ago (two years back)I experienced such shocking fashion prejudice, it didn't offend me because, well it was just too comical to take seriously.
...Moving on, I rummaged through several plastic baskets full of plastic accessory bling down my local charity shop.I'm content in charity shops, even more content when diving down those charming little plastic baskets often placed near the till point. Just as I was prepared to part with my second hand goods, I end
up scooping a handful of antique brooches,beads, skeleton keys(found two 50p each. I shall pop them onto a silver chain)and a quirky marble blue necklace, with an white and gold star/moon print.You can imagine
my sheer delight when I went to pick it up to observe closer and I heard a bell sound...yes yes the necklace has a bell inside of it,also snagged this compact size navy blue straw patch work shoulder bag with gold clasp-£3
Smug-very smug.
While I prance in front of the mirror with my new thrift findings, I'll leave you with these photos of me all excited over my bell necklace...
all above snapshots by prettyneons
Have a lovely weekend yeah my Sweet's? I'll no doubt still be prancing around in front of the mirror playing dress up and dancing to the happy sounds of my bell necklace. I'm also very excited about being reunited with my love-drumkit, my aunt is kindly bringing it up for me as sadly I had to abandon my kit when I first re-located.I cannot wait to catch up with all my blog pals either, I predict this weekend is going to be a good one!
peace X
Great finds! I love getting a handful of goodies for next to nothing.
My goodness,aren't you pretty!!
I love the bell necklace!I have a bell on one of my bags,and I adore prancing around with it!
Those points by the till are fantastic;I can never concentrate on what the person behind te till is saying until I finger through all the goodies!!Best place to find something unexpected!!xx
I love the moon pendant very muchess!!
How cute! a bell necklace :) :)!! I think its very cool that sometimes you can find pretty and comfy clothes at non-expensive stores - go you! I am waiting for nice weather to go around thrifting locally and in central london!
Btw you have pretty eyes :) You are gorgeous!
aww thanks niknak bless you xx
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