17 February 2012


Why the silence?Truth be told I've been feeling a bit flat.Remember the whole NY fashion week surprise? (hmm does surprise cut it?Let me think.No)how VERY gobsmacked this girl was and still is.Gutted to discover that yes,THAT NY fashion all access invite turned out to indeed be the real McCoy,not some front row fake tease.
So why the frown then,and where's all the juicy front row fashion/style snap shots?
Sadly I've no snap shots,or style swooning's to offer you guys,as I had no choice but to reject my NY invite.Due to being very much unprepared and in general having to give myself a harsh reality check (...no dosh for the small matter that is air travel *crying*),reality checks suck don't they?Yep.This week has been one of invites,tears and private tantrums i.e during my lunch break at work.Sobbing into my sandwich's wishing I could swap staff room tea breaks for stylish fashion front rows.Then I slapped myself out of self-pity I must appreciate not being a NEET (not in education/not employed)everything could be sooo much worse.So what I couldn't attend NY FW?I'm sure it's over rated anyways.Right?A bunch of transparent fakes probably?With the odd celeb clothes horse and big ego fashion blogger thrown in for good measure,sprinkled with drugs/rock&roll.Pa-lease.'I'm t-totes and strictly interested in fashion/art-not the bullshit bits and pieces inbetween.New York fashion week cool kids and I were never gonna hit it off.High school on repeat.'
...and so I continued to repeat such thoughts to myself,until the NY novelty wore off.To no avail.Obvs.How can I possibly convince myself such an event would have been rubbish!?To make matters worse somebody from a magazine (not name dropping,no one likes a name drop)contacted me about attending London fashion week too and following it up with an article.Again stunned.More than stunned.Stunned times a million.Once again a mixture of bad timing,and reality checks(this time round the gig was unpaid and they,the magazine couldn't cover my travle costs.The distance between Somerset and London is one of great expense and one that my minimum wage will not cover!)preventing me from grabbing my fashion wheel dreams by the balls.Being Mr brightside and all I'll take such invites as a huge complement.Crack on and chase those fashion wheel dreams of mine.No avails not included.Because I'm only 25yrs old and can't write my fashion creative career off quite yet.Can I?No matter how elusive that bitch of a career is.
Dead ends and several set backs aside.During down time at my day shift,I've been dedicating a lot of time and vivid imagination to pondering over what I would wear when arriving to take my seat at fashion week.It would have to be something highstreet,I don't consider myself to be a trend ticker either so fashion rules aren't involved in any of my day-to-day ensemble equations.Fashion week or no fashion week.I couldn't give a hoot about ticking off any Grazia type boxes.Fashion week outfit sorted.My ponders return to who I'd like to style stalk back stage-Paloma Faith,Gilian Zinser or/and Gwen goes without saying really.Last but not least,which artist designer would I love to meet and mingle with?Maybe attempt to blag a free frock (anything is possible when in a day dream bubble!)from them as well.This one was a no brainer.It would definitely be the two brothers(Eri & Philip Chu) behind Ground Zero.The free frock?Well it would have to be this one...

images courtesy of GroundZero
s/s 2012 collection

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